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Join Us On Our Journey In 2016

Can you imagine, for a moment, a woman making the biggest decision of her life? Either to stay living in the Acholi refugee camp in Kampala, where she works crushing rock into gravel. Or to travel five hundred kilometers to her homeland by way of a transitional village which serves as a landing point while she reestablishes her old life. She can reconnect with her family and their village or, alternatively, secure her own land, restart a business or get crops in the ground and plan for education of her children. She can joyfully start fresh in her homeland where they speak her native language, practice her rituals and customs and raise her children in the ways of her tribe. This is a decision Acholi refugee women are now facing. With your financial donation to Red Earth RISING, these women and their families' ability to relocate and restart their lives is possible and long awaited.

The work on the transitional village will continue this January 2016 as a team from Red Earth RISING returns to Uganda to add five more huts to the three that were completed in May 2015. In the coming year, there is much work to be done adding more dwellings, drilling a borehole for safe water, installing solar power, planting crops and tending livestock to sustain the new arrivals.

These women's futures are in your hands. Thank you for walking by their side as they make their journey toward their new lives. Through your tax deductable donation you ensure the work of Red Earth RISING in supporting these women and their families to secure a brighter future in the New Year.

Your gift of $250 will make possible the transition of a family of four from the refugee camp to the tranistional village in Kitgum - and the start of a new life. You can donate directly through our web site.

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